Tuesday, November 8, 2022

where par isnt up to par


Par For The Course is a class incorporating math principles into golf. We went to the Chicago Athletic Association, to see what golf is like. We also have made our own putting courses and saw first hand what works and what doesn't.  This AP  for Par For The Course is about a Sustainable Development Goal (Here is a link to the SDG’s website for reference) we think is important through the form of a golf course. Mine is the SDG 11 issue of housing in overpopulated countries or cities. My course is a model of a crowded environment. It's a hallway kind of straight line with no easy way to hit the ball. It symbolizes the crowded environment people have to deal with. There is also an organization called Cities Alliance, they are working to help with relief in parts of the world that are dealing with these issues. Some things that can be done to help are donating to organizations like Cities Alliance and reaching out to them. 

Onto my project, which is a hole I designed with the issue I’ve addressed above in mind. What I've done for my course is cut two pieces of wood to be walls like a long hallway, and two pieces of 2x4 are the stoppers. I'll then cut a hole at the end for a ball to fall through.

scale image, 2022, no

This is the scale drawing I made, each cube is an inch, and this is a 1:4 scale.

I have also started the gluing process. It was just 5 sides of a rectangle glued together with wood glue. 


Here is the final project. 

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