Thursday, November 10, 2022

there's a rhythm to rhetoric

In Art of Rhetoric, we have discussed rhetorart. We visited ONE northside, an organization fighting for the development of housing on the north side of Chicago. Our visit brought the use of rhetoric and the use of unity up, both of which are progressive and helpful in later life. Rhetorart is the usage of rhetorical devices through art forms. For my art form, I have chosen music, as I have a solid connection to music and wish more people could express themselves through it. In addition to the universality of my composition, I've chosen repetition and figures to drive my thesis and boost the amount of emphasis on why people have to know music is there to be enjoyed. This is just one of the barriers people face, however rhetoric can help break some of those down.

As a musician, I've associated with other musicians to better understand how music affects people similar to me around the world. Often people resort to social media to express themselves, however, there are some areas in the world where this is not allowed. Either social constructs, governmental cyber law, or platforms limit people's freedom of expression. However, music has stayed with humans as long as music has been around, and just about anyone can create harmony in one form or another. Most of the time, it is not just creating, but also listening and feeling other's music and expressing themselves that way. Not every person likes music, but everyone should care about this issue-young and old, rich and poor. Even if the person impacted doesn't originally like music, they know at least one person who does.

Music affects all people and not having freedom of expression can filter into all walks of life including music. Not everyone listens to music but usually, someone can identify with some kind of music. Any genre, any artist, and any time period. I have made a small composition just to give an example. Even though I have a lot of music knowledge, I have little experience with composing and creating full compositions. So, I decided to limit myself, by only using 10 minutes and limited resources, my guitar, some simple recording software, and that's all. I didn't need much else, as I had an idea almost immediately. I also attempted to make the composition appealing to multiple genres. It's calm, but sparkly, and driven. this music is not for those who know what I made or how I made it or what chords were used. This music is for those whose minds are unadapted to mixing the senses to experience and embody a moment fully. Back to rhetoric, one important part of my composition is the use of repetition. There are about 17 seconds of looped music that can be put in a loop forever. Each repetition is a restatement of something that was, and your creative mind is imagining something that currently, is.

Even if the listener doesn't know much about music, they can still listen to music and enjoy themselves. People naturally gravitate towards rhythm and consistent sound as it is hardwired in our brains. This affects the genres and songs we listen to and other decisions in day-to-day life. That being said, I want this audio to target younger audiences who haven't discovered the extent of music genres. This appeals to the untrained ear, the indecisive listener. The nuanced ear has only heard one genre in their household or community. I discovered mixed-genre music when I was young, and it shaped my relationship with music heavily. I hope that someone who might not exactly see music as their thing can experience the feeling of hearing something that speaks to them. In the end, a person who is yet unable to feel the music as an emotion might as well not listen at all. Music is for the open-minded, and not those who close their minds to the idea, or temptation of a melody merely being a platform for something impossible to comprehend, both out of curiosity and excitement. however, you must believe that theory is true in order to move to create.


works cited

Matacic, Catherine. (2016). Rhythm might be hardwired in humans | science | AAAS. Retrieved November 10, 2022, from 

.org, Soundcloud. (2007). Stream and listen to music online for free with SoundCloud. SoundCloud. Retrieved November

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

where par isnt up to par


Par For The Course is a class incorporating math principles into golf. We went to the Chicago Athletic Association, to see what golf is like. We also have made our own putting courses and saw first hand what works and what doesn't.  This AP  for Par For The Course is about a Sustainable Development Goal (Here is a link to the SDG’s website for reference) we think is important through the form of a golf course. Mine is the SDG 11 issue of housing in overpopulated countries or cities. My course is a model of a crowded environment. It's a hallway kind of straight line with no easy way to hit the ball. It symbolizes the crowded environment people have to deal with. There is also an organization called Cities Alliance, they are working to help with relief in parts of the world that are dealing with these issues. Some things that can be done to help are donating to organizations like Cities Alliance and reaching out to them. 

Onto my project, which is a hole I designed with the issue I’ve addressed above in mind. What I've done for my course is cut two pieces of wood to be walls like a long hallway, and two pieces of 2x4 are the stoppers. I'll then cut a hole at the end for a ball to fall through.

scale image, 2022, no

This is the scale drawing I made, each cube is an inch, and this is a 1:4 scale.

I have also started the gluing process. It was just 5 sides of a rectangle glued together with wood glue. 


Here is the final project. 

accelerate efficient biking

In this unit of Design and Engineering, I learned how bikes work, and how physics is cool and quite relevant even to this day. we had some FE guests who helped us with real-world examples of our learning. The most impactful field experience was our tour of a bike shop, which was also my favorite FE because it was hands-on and helped me put our in-class learning into real life. I'm proud of my engineering work, mostly hands-on assignments and problem-solving. 

The purpose of this project is to show how what we learned in class can help us make a change and impact the world around us. Bikes really haven't changed much over the past 100 years. They work similarly, using gears and wheels, and have been designed to be efficient, as most things are. I interviewed my classmate, and one important question I asked was when he had first ridden a bike he told me he started riding at a young age. This is important because I want my design to be accessible to all ages and people. 

The intended user is a highschool aged student who needs to drop their younger sibling off at daycare, so I designed a kind of rear car with two wheels, full suspension, and a roof over the top. My bike is more useable and efficient than most other bikes. It has large tires for grip and traction and more durability. It has full suspension and large tires as well as an e-assist to make the bike maximally efficient. The bike has a rear carriage for cargo or a person. It includes a light aluminum frame to compensate for the weight of the wheels and battery plus passengers. We talked about the problems our design had and then decided where to go from there. We ended up creating a bike connected to a rear car powering the bike

here are some simple calculations like how many rotations it would make on the way to the intended destination.
4/22.5x60=11 minutes to get to her destination, which is 4 miles.

19mph is her average speed

14.5”=r 29”= d


2786.96 rotations

1:19 scale model

largest gear ratio= 1:18
smallest ratio= 1:3
no, rough sketch, 2022
no, irlmodel, 2022

no, geogebra model, 2022
no, labeled sketch, 2022

Multiple gears would make the most sense for my bike as the terrain varies. I would say smoothness is important, and the back car is fully braced.

ke= 16938.82 j K.E. = 1/2 m v2

p= 3990.3 n p=mv

Thursday, November 3, 2022

a canvas for greatness


This is my script for canvassing. It is meant to help inform people living in Lincoln Park and potentially open their minds to hearing more about blighted areas in the development of Lincoln Yards. The main concern with the Lincoln Yards development is the allocation of government funding. 

The government funding the development of Lincoln Yards is the fact that the Chicago government has decided where funds are going. Sterling Bay are the developers who have been given hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars to develop Lincoln Yards and make it less “blighted” by definition meaning unfit for human inhabitance. Qualifiers of a blighted area are dilapidation, deleterious use of land, illegal use, and poor ventilation. Some houses people live in are also qualified as blighted. Some school zones are by definition, blighted. However, the government prioritized funding the further development of an already high-middle-class neighborhood. I'll probably want to lead with an explanation of what a blighted area is. So first ask them if they're able to discuss, then ask if they know what blighted areas are, then ask them if they want to discuss it.

Introduce myself, Hi. I'm NO canvassing for change in funding from the Chicago government. Redirecting funds to areas that are classified as blighted, like school zones and housing, not Lincoln Yards. Now if someone decides they would like a nice common place in their neighborhood, the topic of underfunded areas around the city that might receive funding from the government more than Sterling Bay might be a possibility and perhaps Sterling Bay can help develop those areas could sway their judgment. According to, Lincoln Yards is a 6 billion dollar development in Lincoln Park. It’s being funded by millions of dollars from the Chicago government. However, housing projects have only been funded a couple of million dollars in recent years. Although this isn't a significant issue in Lincoln Park, it is in other areas, and Lincoln Park is quite a nice area as is. One thing that can be done is reaching out to the Alderman of Lincoln Park(773 348-9500) and addressing concerns from the public about this issue. i may also have pamphlets to give out with information.

CitationsChicagoo, city. (2022). Lincoln Yards. City of Chicago:: Lincoln Yards. Retrieved October 31, 2022, from 

 Chicago, city. (2022). Various housing measures were introduced to City Council. City of Chicago:: Various Housing Measures Introduced to City Council. Retrieved October 31, 2022, from 

news, CBS. (2022, July 19). Study: Effects of redlining in Chicago and suburbs continue to perpetuate blight in many communities. CBS News. Retrieved November 1, 2022, from 

my last ap of junior year.

 The end of the year has arrived and so has the course Policy. We've spent the class learning about government and the three branches th...