Wednesday, January 19, 2022

socratic method, does it work? why?

Hello. In this term, we are in a class called Forbidden Books and are talking about the Socratic Method. The Socratic Method, based on the philosopher Socrates’s method of philosophy, is basically questioning everything, as we know nothing. The Socratic method can in fact be considered dangerous because of its deep dependence on critical thinking. People don’t like being questioned about their morals for fear of deeper thought and perhaps they’re wrong.

So, we were instructed to find a partner, and ask an open-ended question to discuss. My partner and I focused on Covid-19 and its influence on the world. I started with the question: “Has Covid changed the course of history and the evolution of humanity?” This allows further thought onto the original question, by leaving it open for an infinite number of responses. I chose this question because it is quite important and relevant to the current state of the pandemic. I’ve also been thinking about it a lot recently. This question has many possible outcomes. It also depends on whos being asked. How their lives have been affected by covid. My partner for this project recently had covid as well. So, that gave me the perfect opportunity to see what his take on it was.

video script:

Nathan: Do you think that covid has affected the evolutionary course that Humanity had taken pre-pandemic?

Frankie: Absolutely, many people conspire that there is a large pandemic/epidemic every hundred years and the history is showing that is true so covid-19will definitely affect the modern society and so it’s detrimental to the world.

Nathan:Do you think that in the future will be better prepared or make the same mistakes and trip over our own feet again? We will make the same mistakes and trip over our own Feet Again?

Frankie: make the same mistakes and trip over our own Feet Again?

Nathan: Why?

Frankie: Because we have every time, when we find a solution for a disease it finds a way to evolve. It’s like a pokemon.

Nathan: Do you think we are going to be able to find a general cure to every kind of ailment, do you think we can make the human body immune to the broader subjective ailments?

Frankie: Until we live in tubes no, to expand on that I believe that Humanity will evolve to be encapsulated in tubes and have the end have air that we breathe filtered through like….. 25 million microns.

Nathan: Do you think that if we're living in tubes it's really living?

Frankie: it’s not living if humans want to really live not just survive then we disease, diseases is just little different cells that aren't human, pandemics stem from communicable diseases, I think in order for us to be human we have many pieces of bacteria living in our stomachs, bacteria living in our mouths, bacteria living in our brain, we have bacteria all over our bodies that aren’t even human cells, so I think in order to live properly we need diseases it’s just what are good ones and which are bad ones.

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