Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Look out for the future!

So far in this term's course, Biomimicry, we have traveled all over the city to look at real-world examples of biomimicry. Biomimicry is when humans take processes or traits of organisms or ecosystems that have adapted to their environment and use those characteristics to invent sustainable ways to better humanity. We have gone to Lincoln Park Zoo and Conservatory, as well as Plant Chicago, and we met with a representative from a company called Interface, which took inspiration from a forest environment, to create a more sustainable carpet design. In my ap, I am using the process of biomimicry to create an invention to further our way to a more sustainable future. I chose to look at birds, their unique traits and feats, and then I got to work brainstorming ideas. I looked at a Red-Tailed Hawk’s eye (Buteo jamaicensis), and came up with modeling a contact lens utilizing its unique properties. Anyone can use the contacts, there aren't any specific targets for this product.

The Red-Tailed Hawk mostly inhabits Woodland places with tall trees. They have crazy good eyesight, sharp talons, and muscular legs. Their eyes are fixed so they can see the ground while flying high, strong legs to pick up small mammals like squirrels, and sharp talons to rip and tear. (Doom reference)

Below is a diagram of the contact and its approximate size.

Eye Drawing, (2021), NO

The contact design will be a three-layer contact, that covers a majority of your exposed eye. 

Layer#1, will be fitted to contour the eye, prior appointments with care providers may be necessary. This layer will be fitted to each individual eye.

Layer#2, will have modified wide-angle lenses plus prescription if necessary since near and far-sighted people have differently shaped eyes. 

Layer#3, will be a nictitating membrane that absorbs liquid from the eye, which allows you to not need to blink. This feature may cause tearing up, which will be normal. 

Although you can if needed, blink, it may be noticeable for the first few days. But the contact covers a majority of your exposed eye, so it will become natural over time. Below is a drawing of each individual layer. This design is also using a surface similar to sharks skin, which has an antimicrobial structure to it, so no bacteria or other micro organisms get into the eye.

Contact Layer Diagram, (2021), NO

We also looked at life's 6 principles. I think my invention aligns with the following two: evolve to survive, and conservation of resources. We will be enhancing human traits for better survival and better abilities. Also, my design will be lessening the waste of resources as is common with monthly contacts.

SDG's, or Sustainable Development Goals, are certain objectives set by the UN to break down the process of saving humanity one step at a time. There are 17 goals so far, and each one has sub-sections to it. My product fits under SDG #12 (responsible consumption and production). One of the milestones in SDG #12 is #12.5, which states "By 2030, substantially reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling, and reuse."

So how does my project incorporate sustainability? By using the resources we have, rather than introducing toxic inorganic materials into the environment. Instead of monthly waste of contacts, yearly replacement lenses will be applied and the old ones will be recycled and reused once repaired and sanitized. Less waste output=less toxic material introduction, as well as more resource development and utilizing closed-loop economies. The lenses can be reused if not badly damaged. Minor repairs can be made on them however large scars or breaks may result in the separation of the layers and recycling the materials to their base form. Also, they’re already more sustainable than regular contacts since they need to be replaced yearly. This will help both the consumer and producer.

Essentially, biomimicry will open doors for us, and we can learn from nature to solve some of humanity's challenges. This is a universally applicable concept, anyone anywhere in the world can use biomimicry to change the course of human evolution. We have to act now because climate change is putting us on a deadline. We need to make more closed-loop systems and get rid of non-reusable waste, but first, we need ideas. How can you help? Innovate. Solve. Act. Participate in the change we need.

source 1

insightvc. (2016, July 8). Human Vision VS Eagle Vision [web log]. Retrieved December 15, 2021, from

source 2

Musgrave, C. S. A., & Fang, F. (2019, January 14). Contact lens materials: A materials science perspective. Materials (Basel, Switzerland). Retrieved December 15, 2021, from,contact%20lens%20(CL)%20users.

source 3

Maizlish, A. (2018, December 24). Red-tailed hawk - the face of a Killer. Flickr. Retrieved December 15, 2021, from

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