Thursday, May 27, 2021

food class ingredient substitution ap


in this ap, we looked at substituting ingredients, and different uses in those ingredients. we learned about emulsifiers, proteins, and learners. then, each of my group mates chose one of them. I chose emulsifiers, so I'm substituting eggs with yogurt. the emulsifiers job is to simply help oil and water mix together. we made a visual representation of this by having water and oil in a Gatorade bottle and shaking it, then watching it separate. we also are looking at conversions for recipes. so, say a recipe is made for 10 people. but, you only have five people, and don't want to make the rest. for this one, its pretty easy. you just divide the proportions by half to get it, but for other recipes its harder as you might want to make 20 servings of a 14 serving recipe. but for mine, I used half as my control and half as my variable.

group karmas blog Lucas's blog

recipe sub

I'm substituting the emulsifier in my recipe, which would be eggs, but I'm using yogurt, as it does the exact same thing. I just need to find how much I need to replace the eggs, which I will do by weighing them out.

as I made the brownies, I showed each of my steps. i took half my recipe and made it with eggs, and the other with plain yogurt. 

lab report


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