Sunday, May 2, 2021

a rich history about chocolate

  in this action project, we took the viewpoint of a specific ingredient. I chose chocolate. chocolate is in every country, and most towns and cities even. its journey begins in Mexico with the Aztecs and the Mayans using it to make a hot, spicy drink with cacao in it, all the way to how vast and widely produced it is now. you have experienced chocolate, whether it was hot chocolate, dark chocolate, or something with chocolate in it, it’s been passed your pallet before. I almost guarantee it. you may love it, or hate it, why not learn about its origin, and discover more about the world of chocolate. it has more to do with more than you'd think.

I am chocolate, well, I’m more than just chocolate. I come from central Mexico, originally from the Mayans and the Aztecs, but I was much different back then. They made me into a drink, except I wasn’t sweet and delicious like I am now, I was bitter, and much like coffee is today. They would mix ground pepper up into hot water and add cacao to it and it was seen as a delicacy.

A website known as is quite obsessed with me. They say “One story says Christopher Columbus discovered cacao beans after intercepting a trade ship on a journey to America and brought the beans back to Spain with him in 1502.

  As explorers went that way, as I was newly discovered, I was taken and brought back to where they came from, and I got transported and spread out all over the world. I started out in Mexico, now I’m literally everywhere. I have become part of the world and I’ve changed it. At one point, I was a currency for the ancient Aztecs,  and now I am traded worldwide with and for currency! Once upon a time, I was just hanging out in Mexico. I never really left there, but I definitely expanded to almost every country, and every country has me in most of their desserts. One particular dessert has I've been in is Mississippi mud, made by an American family. They have been making this dessert ever since they came to America. I have been very familiar with them since we encounter each other very often. I came from a company called Hershey’s, who mas produces me around the world. One product I’m in is just a simple bar of cacao, mixed with sugar, milk, and other ingredients to make me sweeter rather than bitter. The family uses me for almost all their deserts, and I have been their favorite dessert ingredient for at least five generations, which is even before they came to the united states!

Quote, source:,the%20chocolate%20of%20the%20past.

Cacao beans image:

Images of early Mayan chocolate:

Map trade route source:

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