Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Saving With Circuits

This unit was about circuits, the types of circuits, ohms, volts, and over all power. Electricity was a common topic, while we discussed the functions, aspects, and properties of energy. This project was challenging us to bring that into the physical world, by making a functional circuit with 5 resistors, with one main switch and one parallel switch. We used snap circuits to demonstrate our functional creations. We talked with Dan Mikovits, Kyle Cepeda, and Tyler Brooks to better understand the process of wiring a building. This project relates to SDG 7.2, By 2030, increase substantially the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix.

My partner and I have made a slideshow to explain our project.

I came up with this design by thinking about the most basic parallel circuit, and how I could use that to my advantage. I used it as a base for my circuit, which helped the process greatly. I had to rearrange some things to make the circuit parallel, but in the end it all worked out. This ap was somewhat difficult to manage, but in the end came together nicely.

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