Tuesday, March 8, 2022

The Outsiders, more like the insiders

Hello, welcome back to my blog. In this term of our humanities course, we focused on "Forbidden Books". I chose the outsiders as my book to focus on. what did we go over in this course? Well, we learned about specific examples of book bannings, the reason behind their ban, and the result of their ban. Commonly, books are banned for containing controversial content, like controversial religious beliefs, opposing political views, or mature content. Sometimes the ban is justified, however, I chose to argue that the banning of     The Outsiders in school systems was unjustified. The book has great themes and messages, and readers of all ages can take something away from the book. It's also a fun read, as the characters have a great adventure, and connect a lot of deep issues some deal with in real life. Each character has major development and unique traits, and there's always some kind of conflict occurring. Whether it's internal, or external, the story evolves with the plot.

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