Sunday, February 20, 2022

anxiety. anxiety? would it be Anxiety? or does just anxiety work? maybe i should come up with a better title... no i think this is fine. but would i get points off for...

 Hello there, and welcome back to my blog. In this term of our STEAM course, we are looking at disease - specifically diseases of the mind. We have been looking at the DSM-V, or The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, which is a large text including almost all known mental disorders and their specific disorders, their symptoms, and effects on the mind. This text helps lots of medical professionals with diagnosing patients by looking for specific symptoms and their correlation to the listed disorders. For my AP this term, we were told to find a disorder in the DSM-V and create an interactive project based on the disorder we chose. I've chosen anxiety disorder, and a few sub disorders along with it, because I've had experience with anxiety disorders, and I'm sure you have in one form or another. 

Anxiety disorder, although often discussed in conversation, is a very serious and impactful disorder that affects many people's lives every day. The American Psychology Association defines anxiety as “Anxiety is an emotion characterized by feelings of tension, worried thoughts and physical changes like increased blood pressure”. In my own words, anxiety is the feeling of fear and dread in an overwhelming wave, caused by pressure or a specific situation. This can apply to most categories of anxiety, and every instance of anxiety disorder I've experienced fits into that definition. This definition also backs the idea of an overwhelming dread due to a certain variable. I've decided to show you (the reader) what my experiences with anxiety disorders are like through audible representation. Regardless of your familiarity with anxiety disorders, whether you've never had a problem with it or are affected constantly by it, hearing it can be an eye-opening experience. I’d like to invite you into my mind at some of its most vulnerable states, and let you feel, hear, and maybe imagine what it feels like to truly dread an inevitable situation. Your brain functions on different levels, defined as waves. There are gamma, beta, alpha, theta, and delta wavelengths. Feelings of anxiety affect your delta and theta waves, making your feelings of self-awareness or fight or flight sense kick in. The experience I set up affects the sense of sight, touch, and sound. please listen to my project with headphones, and relatively low volume. or high, either work.

here is my project, its only audio, however that's all you really need.

Works cited:

-., A. P. A. (2022). Anxiety. American Psychological Association. Retrieved February 9, 2022, from,recurring%20intrusive%20thoughts%20or%20concerns. 

Monday, February 14, 2022

my ideal house

 For this term in Spanish, we learned about different pretenses and verbs. This was tricky for me because I'm not great at grammar-related subjects, let alone it being in another language. We needed to make a google drawing of a house with five rooms, and 15 total objects throughout the house. We then had to label the floorplan and explain what we did in each room using present tense and er-ar-ir verbs. This part was difficult for me, trying to figure out the conjugations, but I tried my best.

En mi casa, yo como en el comedor, y estoy viendo la televisión. 

En mi sala de estar hablo con mis amigos.

En mi dormitorio, yo dormir, escritar,  trabajar y toco la guitarra.

En la cocina preparo el desayuno, el almuerzo y la cena.

En mi baño, me ducho, me lavo las manos y uso el baño.

Here is an image of the floorplan with the objects labeled and my origonal drawing:

my last ap of junior year.

 The end of the year has arrived and so has the course Policy. We've spent the class learning about government and the three branches th...