Saturday, October 30, 2021

how much did you know about bears?

for this ap, We were told to pick a species, and investigate. Ask three questions (one being quantitative) and then we did research. We had specific assignments corresponding to certain parts of the ap. Ursus arctos (brown bear) will be the subject of my research.

Brown bears are found on all continents. They like forests, mountains, hills, rivers, and heavily vegetated areas. They have brown fur to reduce stress in open light, large paws and claws to open rotted logs where bugs can be found. Brown bears come from Eurasia about 5 million years ago. they were originally small creatures unlike their current selves.. about 15,000 years ago a larger species of bear, was built with long legs and had an overall lighter build, it came around about 1.9 million years ago. It was called the 
giant short-faced bear. link to image, deviantart (Daikaiju-fanboy), 2015

How much do brown bears weigh on average? About 793lbs. What makes them so aggressive? They are very defensive and territorial. Brown bears will defend themselves against any perceivable threats. where did they originate? They originated in Europe and Asia, around 5 million years ago. Since then, they have spread out around the world, populating almost every continent. For this ap, we were instructed to create a new habitat for the animal we chose. I'd imagine a well-populated forest, lots of large trees, and rock formations. Bears love these, as they often hold good places for dens, and also opportunities for hunting. Trees, for shelter, or to sharpen their claws on, and population for meals.

Population size: 11

Median: 775

Minimum: 400

Maximum: 1200

First quartile: 550

Third quartile: 1075

Variance = 7,451.1

standard deviation = 86

Mean: 752.5  median: 775 

x( data point)

(x - Mean)

( x - Mean)^2


































sum of ( x - mean)^2


Variance: 62,415.28    Standard deviation: 249.83

Monday, October 18, 2021

critical race theory in schools


this ap in the war on x is about critical race theory, and how it's been taught in schools. 

Why did schools ban crt? 

Crt, or critical race theory, is basically claiming that race is a social construct. This I disagree with. I can agree that some aspects of race are incorrect, however, I feel race wasn't made specifically for the oppression of others. Parents in orange country seem to agree, as they thought that they (the parents)  should be teaching their kids, not the schools, which I agree with. Somebody who disagrees with my opinion would probably say that we should correct our definition of what CRT is. However, I believe that crt shouldn't be taught through schools in the first place. I feel like it should be the parent’s job to introduce this concept to the child or student’s mind. An article on’s website states that crt is talking about how systemic racism is apparent in today’s society. This is a blog and is very opinionated, however, the fact that it came up as the first search result for “News on crt in schools” and the first point is about Fox News, is a bit alarming. From that note, I found a less opinionated source from the USA today, and funny enough, below that were two fox news articles, as were mentioned in my first source. The USA Today article states that crt was politicized, as though it wasn’t already. I feel as though most controversial statements in today’s society often come out as political, rather than just stating the ethics behind them. People always quote the past and don’t often look for the future of society. 

The school system is for learning the basic principles to set young people up for success. Although, a study was released that showed that black students wanted crt in their curriculum. That being said, schools should have optional courses for controversial topics, like crt. This way, those who show interest in that topic have the outlet to learn such topics, however, this will also give the other students the opportunity to choose to not indulge in controversy, giving further diversity to the curriculum. My third-grade year in school was mostly learning about black history, as our teacher chose to teach that rather than the schools provided curriculum. This showed me a lot at a young age, and I didn’t participate in class much because I didn’t really want to dive into something that seemed so tragic and mature. It almost scared me to see all of that at such a young age. However, I feel like this shaped me a bit at the same time. In the end, I don’t think it should be completely wiped from the school system, however, it’s not something to be taught messy. It has to be done right, or not at all. There should be a certification for teaching that topic, to be completely unbias. Opposing sides claim the younger children are taught crt, the better knowledge they will have on the topic. I don’t agree. I think it’s too young for kids to be learning the ways of politics, and should be taking more time to learn basic reading and writing skills, and math that is appropriate for their age. I feel like there is a point, they should be able to learn what they want. But I know for a fact learning false information at a young age can be catastrophic. Therefore the learning process should take place in high school, at the earliest.

Monday, October 11, 2021

The battle of the bridge.

In this story, we have the main character, me, a spider monkey, my guitar, and the bridge. Now, this is a little weird, but it has all the necessary aspects of a fable. A fable is a story conveying a moral with animals as the characters. Often times the animals show human characteristics. We had a professional storyteller come in and tell us about her experiences, plus some stories.

Full version:

Once upon a time, a teenage guitarist named NO went to a guitar center with his dad and about 75 dollars to spend on accessories for his brand new guitar. So, he bought a cable, a nice strap, some picks, and as they were checking out, he saw something on the shelf that made his heart drop. The infamous 8 gauge strings. They were so special because they had so much less resistance when playing, it made it much easier for him. He had 10 dollars left in his budget, so he ran over and picked them up. He was overjoyed at his find!

His father asked “What are you going to do with those?”

NO said, “I'll put them on my new guitar.”

NO’s father laughed, and said, “Good luck with that! It'll take you forever to do that!”

He didn’t have opposable thumbs, therefore it made this task even more difficult.

NO felt defeated, as he knew it'd be a struggle to change the strings on his guitar as a spider monkey, he did not have opposable thumbs. In addition, the guitar itself had a certain feature that made it particularly difficult to restring.


This means that the bridge is held in place by a set of springs inside the guitar, as well as the strings themselves. This meant NO had to balance them so the bridge was flush with the body, otherwise everything would be off. What made this even more difficult, was the fact that he had a lighter gauge string set, which meant less resistance on the bridge, so it was off put a bit. AND, he would also have to tune it after calibrating the bridge, which would offset it further. It's a tedious process and one not for the faint of heart.

But NO put this task off. Finally, at 2am one night he decided he had enough. He was going to do it. This villainous bridge was no match for his awesomeness. He cut the first string off, unlocked the tuning peg, and unwound the string. He then loosened the nut on the bridge and replaced the string with the new one. NO then tightened the locking nut and proceeded to do the rest of the strings. This took thirty minutes on its own. Afterward, he looked at the bridge.

Wholly cow! It was way up in the air!

He then tightened the springs on the inside of the guitar. Now, it was flush. “Perfect!” NO said.

He then strummed the guitar once. Oh. he forgot. It was insanely out of tune now. This hurt his pride a little, his confidence in succeeding now damaged. He wasn't giving up though. He unlocked the tuners, and tuned it, loosened, tightened, took springs, added springs, adjusted, locked, unlocked, and finally, he had done it. It was not only perfectly in tune, but also perfectly balanced. NO was nearly shaking with his triumph over the bridge. He knew he would have to tune it in the morning as the new strings would stretch out a little, but that was no biggie. He showed everyone, and of course, nobody really cared, but he was happy. He had defeated the bridge and now played his newly string guitar happily. The end.

The moral: hard work never goes unrewarded.

Friday, October 1, 2021

the story of a brother.

this is the story of 4 brothers. we had to add adverbs, similes, and other grammatical terms. 

Once, there was a man and his three brothers. They lived in a small village in northern Canada where the wilderness was brief and unforgiving, yet beautiful and mysterious. They eventually set off from their calm,  Village to create a new civilization and form one new society. They set off from their home into the wild and were eventually taken into the unknown by curiosity. They found the perfect space after just four days. These brothers had decided to settle in the young looking valley. On the left was a mountain range, in front was a meadow, to the right was a large, sparkling river, and behind was a friendly hill. They decided to make one main cabin for the time being. As they were creating their cabin, one man decided to look around himself and suddenly realized what was around him. Trees, rivers, mountains, wildlife, birds, all these things made up in nature, and he would certainly use them to his advantage. As he looked around himself he realized that it wasn’t really about what they were doing now, rather how that one little cabin would become an entire civilization and many memories full of emotion and passion will be made simply because they chose to start their own little town there. Then that given the thought that people always say they wish they could time travel back to when everything was good right now world and change things so it stay that way. And then he thought why not make those changes before they become necessary. 

He then went back to his brothers and told them his thoughts. They all then contemplated for hours and hours till the sun rose and continued working. Every day. They soon became less attached to the real world they became more spiritual and physical, rather than blood forced into the veins energy of life from existence replaced it. 

Everything that led up to this point in time simply because they made a choice, thousands of actions were taken from one original cause. They essentially broke the algorithm of endurance. They had done the impossible, they had created a space that existed before it needed to. They became less human and more mentally enlightened. They didn’t need to use their words anymore since they spent enough time with each other and understood what they’re saying without uttering a sound.  They all realized it’s not the scars that show the true depth of one's past, it’s the story of what happened. This was the origin of the brotherhood. And the trust in people is so strong you understand them completely.


my last ap of junior year.

 The end of the year has arrived and so has the course Policy. We've spent the class learning about government and the three branches th...