Thursday, March 18, 2021

who am i ap2: dream-catchers and philosophy

British empiricists think about possible and theorize, but continental rationalists think about only what is likely. I am a continental rationalist. I think like Descartes, I question everything, and doubt reality, cause it's not real in any sense, that's beside the point. I made the dream catchers out of guitar strings and twine. I incorporated the guitar strings because the guitar has been my main source of stress relief and it allows me to be creative, and I can play anything, for nothing is stopping me from doing it. music is a part of me, just like the id, superego, and ego. I have two combined because music and guitar go hand in hand, but I've been getting so much into guitar it's taken over more than half all the music going on In my life. and I'm happy with it. I just wanted to symbolize that a bit more.



1 comment:

my last ap of junior year.

 The end of the year has arrived and so has the course Policy. We've spent the class learning about government and the three branches th...