Thursday, February 18, 2021

ap1 who am i

in this ap I went over my beliefs, and why I chose to believe them. here is the script, and I edited it down a bit.

   Money, power, hunger, fear. Now that I have your attention. I believe that everybody is equal in my eyes until they prove that they're not. I don't believe in religion, and I don't feel as though I have an obligation to do so. I don't support anything in politics and some people don't like that. I don't care that's who I am. I don't judge people based on first appearances and trust is earned rather than giving out. I don’t talk about anything personal unless you can see it from how I look or have that kind of bond with me. Nobody trusts anybody from the start, and I never trust anybody completely. Yes I know that’s sO dEeP aNd EmO oMgg, whatever, I don’t care. People say act I like an anime character in that I have a difficult past and don’t show much of my personal side, but I’m a human being, I have weaknesses, so does everyone. I think about small things so much that they become equal to the big things in life. I take note of every aspect of a person just by having a conversation with them. I know it seems like I’m getting off-topic but hear me out. I take note of every little detail. I find weaknesses. I see right through people. I believe that everyone has a little pocket inside them, that keeps all the negativity. As that little pocket starts to fill with thoughts, experiences, etc.., it grows and gets heavier. What usually happens when something you’re carrying gets heavier? It gets harder to carry it. I can see how large that little pocket is inside people. I can see if their shoes are worn out because they’ve been dragging their feet or if their posture has declined or if they look tired and hollow because of that pocket, and some people are very good at hiding it, but I see it eventually. Everyone can see it, but maybe you don’t know how to. But in the end, everyone is really the same. Were all people. With hearts. And brains. And legs, and arms, and fingers, and bones, and toes, and eyes, and everything that makes a human different than a dog. We all have emotions, thoughts (believe it or not some people do in fact have things going on up there, although it may not seem like it. I don’t see any reason to treat one person differently than the other unless I see a valid reason. Both negative and positive. You might be a very nice person, but maybe you’re also racist. Then it’s up to me to decide, and hopefully, I know which is more important. Usually, the good outweighs the bad. That’s why I don’t support or go against anything. I don’t support BLM, I don’t support trump, or Biden, or PETA, or anything religious I’m just a human being. I want to have friends based on interests and relatability. Not beliefs. And I get what some things are for the better, but I'm not going to put a label on myself when I'm just a 15-year-old high school student, I still have my life to live. Things to experience. But anyway, I hope I didn't go too off-topic.

1 comment:

my last ap of junior year.

 The end of the year has arrived and so has the course Policy. We've spent the class learning about government and the three branches th...