Monday, April 18, 2022

Macbeth, You Idiot.

hello, welcome back to my blog. This term, we have a course called drama. We are focusing on gender norms in the play macbeth. In this ap, we were instructed to create sonnets going over gender norms in the play, I chose to address Macbeth's downfall. I also created a translated version. 

Wonky Shakespeare version

After thy mortification of ye prophecy

Doth ye not pursue caution of this fate with advice from your bond

Alas, you exude intentions with little modesty

Declining advice from somewhere beyond

Nuance glazed over your third eye

Creating a blind world for thy corrupt visions

Not once coming across a site for a reason of nie

Crushing thy callous rationality hidden under carnage of collisions 

Pretentious as you may be unwise, Macbeth

Your masculine fragility turned insecurity into hate

Preparing you for your untimely death

Yielding nothing but your prompt fate

“And all our yesterdays have lighted fools the way to dusty death”

And so, Macbeth, your page ends, and a new chapter begins a new breath


After your prophecy was spoken

You did not take any precaution

And were blinded after it was broken

Yielding fate to arrogance once in motion

Losing sight of the obvious ahead

Making your own path on an outdated map

Leading you into an uncharted territory full of dread

Most intently will your corruption collapse like a cold slap

Thy dumb-dumb dummy

You were too blind by your power over those who guided you right

Thinking your masculinity ensures royalty

Yet replacing it with the readiness for a one-sided fight

You failed because you went along

And a new king has appeared like the chime of a gong

Sunday, April 17, 2022

this title will catch your eye!

hello! in this term of cure, we were told to create an informational pamphlet about a specific surgery of our choosing. I chose osteo-odonto keratoprosthesis, a procedure that uses your tooth to better your eyesight. we also looked into cells, and how they function. cells have organelles, like how the human body has organs. they both have the same basic function, which Is that they each take care of the body and complete certain tasks to keep its host alive. and just as if an organ is attacked by a disease, an organelle will be affected in the same way, lessening the hosts chance of survival without a specific function. 

Osteo-Odonto Keratoprosthesis Procedure
Have you experienced a slight to total loss of sight? You may be eligible to undergo a procedure to help fix several different types of blindness and sight loss.

How may you have lost sight? Some common causes include eye trauma, clouding of the lens, increased eye pressure, retinal damage due to diabetes, breakdown of the central portion of the retina, inflammation of the optic nerve, and stroke.

What is the procedure? Developed almost fifty years ago, this procedure originated in singapore, and has proven time and time again to be successful, is still in use today. By taking one of the patient's teeth, doctors will run tests to determine oral hygiene, and structuring support within the patient's eye to allow for better sight. The tooth gives the support needed for the eye to function.

Side effects: mucosal problems, crippling debt, better eyesight. The surgery costs about 67,000 USD in total.

Circumstances: corneal diseases, other diseases pertaining to ocular dysfunction in the cornea. If the oral hygiene is good (no smoking, chewing of betel nuts, other such orally degenerating activities) and can be kept post-procedure.


Post-procedure: there are risks associated with this procedure, such as other infections, worsening of the patient's situation, however, there are post-procedure checkups at a weekly pace for 1 month, then once every 3 months, then paced every 2 months for half a years time, and then every 4 months, if all is well. If all is well, the check-ins can be further spread, if approved by the team of doctors and the patient.


Dong, D., Tan, A., Mehta, J. S., Tan, D., & Finkelstein, E. A. (2013, September 29). Cost-effectiveness of Osteo-Odonto keratoprosthesis in Singapore. American Journal of Ophthalmology. Retrieved April 11, 2022, from

Falcinelli, G., Falsini, B., Taloni, M., & Colliardo, P. (1970, January 1). [PDF] modified Osteo-Odonto-keratoprosthesis for treatment of corneal blindness: Long-term anatomical and functional outcomes in 181 cases.: Semantic scholar. undefined. Retrieved April 17, 2022, from

Kaur, J. (2018). Osteo-Odonto keratoprosthesis: Innovative Dental and ophthalmic blending. Journal of Indian Prosthodontic Society. Retrieved April 11, 2022, from

Written By Healthgrades Editorial Staff Updated on January 16, healthgrades. (2021, January 16). Vision loss. Healthgrades. Retrieved April 15, 2022, from,of%20the%20optic%20nerve%20(optic

my last ap of junior year.

 The end of the year has arrived and so has the course Policy. We've spent the class learning about government and the three branches th...