Friday, October 23, 2020

Action project on water usage

     This is my research for my class called Water. We researched how much water countries use on a daily basis and to compare them. I choose to compare America to Australia to see the difference in their daily average water usage. It is about how much water the average American uses compared to the daily average of an Australian also being compared to my daily average water usage. I used this link to see how many gallons I use on a daily basis. Me and my classmates researched how much water other countries use on a daily basis.

     I researched Australia and they use 20 gallons less then the average American. I think that Americans use more water because they do not realize how much water they use on a daily basis. I also think that other countries notice how much water they use and what they use it for. Below this introduction I made an info graphic showing the comparison. I also explain my classes FE. FEs are field experiences. This field experience we went to see how much water we could carry to our school from the nearest body of water. From that calculation I learned that it would take me about 30 minutes to walk a mile carrying 8 gallons of water. This FE was to show us how much water we use a day and how hard it can be to get. In fact the water that we got was dirty water. We learned that water is a privilege to have and that it is not something that everyone has access to. I also used Piktochart to make my info graphic.

my last ap of junior year.

 The end of the year has arrived and so has the course Policy. We've spent the class learning about government and the three branches th...