Friday, April 30, 2021

NO: planting in our city

The purpose of this experiment is to see how nutrients can make plants grow. We have three tests, one with fertilized “top” soil, one with regular soil, and one with store-bought, good-quality planting soil. After we picked three containers to plant things in, we then measured them for area and volume. Now, we have planted them, and they have been taking nutrients from the soil since. It's been a few days now, but I haven't seen anything sprouting. It's ok though, we have a little while to see the result. I'm excited to see what it turns into, even after the project is due. I've seen beans sprout before, but not from a shoe, or a pill bottle.

We learned about ecosystems which include, Abiotic elements and biotic elements, as well as the distribution, abundance, and interaction of biotic organisms. Another thing we learned about was hydroponics, which is when you use fish urine to fertilize plants. We were taught this when we went on a field experience to Plant Chicago, a small aquaponics and hydroponics farm on the south side of Chicago. Our leader there, Rock, also taught us about how gardening is accessible to almost everyone and everyone should take advantage of it. A group of biotic and abiotic factors that function together. I think the way he explained that the soil was his canvas and the plants were his paint compared gardening to creativity and art very well, and it showed he thinks of the two on the same level, which I found interesting. another thing we learned about Abiotic elements, biotic elements, hydroponics, and different things in the soil. We also learned about the Nitrogen cycle, and how plants take in the nitrogen from the ground and use it to live. Another thing we learned about was different things in the soil. In soil, there are three primary macronutrients, which are Potassium, Phosphorus, and of course, nitrogen. In Fukuoka's natural principles of natural farming, I think the way he explained that the soil was his canvas and the plants were his paint compared gardening to creativity and art very well, and it showed he thinks of the two on the same level, which I found very interesting because I would consider myself an artist and I draw quite a lot, as well as doing non-visual arts like music. I play a lot of guitar and bass. If we had more resources I would maybe plant onions, strawberries, and beans, because they are all very useful plants that happen to help each other.

my last ap of junior year.

 The end of the year has arrived and so has the course Policy. We've spent the class learning about government and the three branches th...